Q. I'm not entirely clear if this event happens on April 24 only or does it run for a period of days?
A. Thanks for asking the question. The Online Conference opened the 24th, 2017 with our first presenter, Anne Janzer. The 19 sessions from the various presenters are recorded and delivered 24 x 7 x 265 to any device. You can watch them the day they come out, next week, next month, etc. for up to one year. You can watch, rewatch, rewind, start and stop (for discussions with your staff/board or interruptions). Hope this helps to explain it. If not, please let me know. Thanks.
Q How do the others in my office log in to take the classes? Does everyone use my email and password?
A. Thanks for registering. Yes, that is how it works. One account per chamber. I can do a reset of your password if you want to use something different. Let me know. Thanks, Frank
Q. Quick clarification question – if we sign up can we access any of the presentations at any time during the year? Or is each speaker scheduled at different times throughout the year and only available during a certain time? Thank you for putting all of this together!
A. The presentations will be rolled out every couple of days for about 6 weeks.They are all recorded, edited, condensed. Not live. So, yes, you can access any of the presentations for 1 year as many times as you like.